Course Details
Applied Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) Programming
Course ID : QI-APPSAS-201 [same as QI-PRG-201]
Date : Refer dates published above for QI-PRG-201
Location : New Jersey, USA and Bangalore, India (depending on no. of students)
Mode of Training : In-Class
Dates: Instructor Assistance in Classroom : Refer Weekday, Weekend and Evening sessions schedule
Dates: Instructor Access via Email : Post - class access
For Registration/Pricing, call: : Please call our office in New Jersey at 609-454-5635 or email us at for pricing/registration
This course is the first-level course in Statistical Analysis Software (SAS). The course covers essentially computer-based techniques for biomedical researchers that include introduction to SAS from basics through a few advanced topics such as array and macros. Additionally, covers SAS programming methods to clean and validate the data as well as produce data summaries.
No prior knowledge of SAS is expected. However, participants are expected to have the knowledge of basic operations of PCs, such as creating folders, accessing files as well as an understanding of basic system commands on your operating systems. Knowledge of Microsoft products such as Excel, Access, Word and PowerPoint is helpful.
Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) is a very powerful and versatile as well as industry-standard statistical tool to manipulate and analyze large research data. This course is the start point for those who want to learn how to write programs in SAS and serves as a prerequisite for other courses.
Learning Outcomes
After completing the course, participants will be able to have a good understanding of the
Fundamentals of SAS to develop programs for manipulation and analysis of research data relevant to biomedical research.
SAS procedures to clean and validate the data as well as create summary reports of the data.
Topics of Study
Getting started
Data Step Programming
Working With DATE Fields
Numerical Functions and Logical Structures
Methods of Getting External Data into SAS Data sets Using Proc IMPORT
Working with ARRAYS
Modifying and Combining SAS Datasets
Basic SAS Procedures to Clean and Validate the Data
Graphical and Descriptive Summary of Data Using Various SAS Procedures