Course Details
Categorical Data Analysis
Course ID : QI-BIO-202A
Date : For May 2017 - Sept 2017 classes, in NJ, USA
Duration : Intensive In-Class Training w/Instructor in Classroom to assist students complete assignments
Location : New Jersey, USA and Bangalore, India (depending on no. of students)
Dates: Class Lecture : By Arrangement with Instructor(s)
Dates: Instructor Assistance in Classroom : By Arrangement with Instructor(s)
Dates: Instructor Access via Email : Post class
This course is intended to familiarize participants with statistical procedures for analyzing categorical outcome data, a type of data often collected in health-related studies. Participants will have opportunities to use SAS to implement those statistical procedures and interpret the results of SAS outputs. In addition, this course will also place emphasis to certain degree on general statistical mechanisms underlying those statistical procedures.
- Applied Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) Programming
- A Course in Commonly Used Biostatistical Methodologies in Clinical Research
Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, the participants will be able to
- Identify appropriate statistical methodologies that are applied to analyze the categorical outcome data.
- Use appropriate procedures in the SAS system to conduct methodologies outlined above and interpret the analytical results.
Course Topics
- Introduction
- The 2 by 2 Contingency Table
- Sets of 2 by 2 Contingency Tables
- Sets of 2 x r and s x 2 Tables
- The s x r Tables
- Sets of s x r Tables
- Logistic Regression Analysis: Dichotomous Response
- Conditional Logistic Regression Analysis
Nonparametric Methods (optional)